Traditional medicine has proven to be quite effective in reactively treating both chronic and acute medical problems, but maybe we can do better.  Since the completion and increased utilization of information obtained in the human genome project and the ongoing research in the fields of lipidology and longevity medicine, we are increasingly able to proactively predict, prevent and treat many medical conditions earlier and perhaps even before they ever develop.  While the field of longevity medicine is certainly in its infancy, we have a rapidly growing body of evidence that predictive and/or preventive medicine has the potential to transform and improve the current state of healthcare.  This translates into better current and long-term health prospects and has the definite potential to increase health span and life span.

Renegade Health was formed with this vision in mind. While our providers certainly have the utmost respect for the practice of conventional medicine, we believe there is a better way. In short, we will examine every aspect of your current health and work with you to optimize it in every way.

ren·e·gade (rĕn′ĭ-gād′)

1. One who rejects a cause, allegiance, or group for another; a deserter.
2. An outlaw; a rebel.

Schedule your FREE consultation now & start the journey to a new life



  • Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, etc.) is the leading cause of death in the civilized world. The current lipid panel utilized has been outdated for several years but remains to be the ‘standard of care’ regardless of the fact that we have something better. If you don’t know your apoB levels and lipoprotein A status you need to, and we can help you manage it.

  • What you eat plays a large part in your long-term health status and your ability to manage your weight. We use genomic analysis and advanced laboratory testing to optimize your dietary strategy. We are also able to perform microbiome and advanced food allergy testing where indicated.

  • Functional strength and maintenance of muscle mass is extremely important to your metabolism and will be important for activities of daily living as you age. We will help you establish a strength training plan that works for you.

  • Your cardiorespiratory fitness plays an important part in your metabolism and is more powerful than most drugs at preventing chronic medical conditions. We utilize the latest VO2max testing equipment for metabolic analysis because you need to know your current level in order to get to where you need to be. This is the same equipment used by elite fitness facilities and universities for metabolic analysis of performance athletes.

  • Sleep is essential to every process in the body, affecting our physical and mental functioning, our ability to fight disease and develop immunity, and our metabolism and chronic disease risk. We will help you develop a plan for good sleep hygiene as well as any related tools that might benefit you.

  • Our hormone profiles change with aging and lead to decreased energy, diminished libido, and undesirable changes in body composition. We are experts in managing and optimizing your hormone levels to restore youthful energy levels and to extend healthspan.

  • In addition to medications used to manage or prevent chronic medical problems there are several new drugs that have been shown to extend health span. We will discuss the current available options with you and formulate a plan.

  • We will help you establish a targeted screening schedule for early detection and surveillance of the most common malignancies.


“When I met with Dr. Foster to go over my lab work from the Renegade Program, it was very eye opening for me that I needed to make some major life changes if I wanted to be around for the next 40+ years and have a healthy quality of life.  I started not only my weight loss journey, but a healthier lifestyle journey.  If you are questioning your health and are ready to make some changes that are attainable to help increase your quality of life, I would strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Foster and begin your journey to a “New You!”  I have absolutely NO Regrets!  This is a picture from my 40th Birthday to today on my 42nd Birthday.  Amazing what some small changes can not only do for your health but your happiness!


“I’ve struggled with high cholesterol, borderline hypertension and a family history of heart disease.  In the past 10 years I’ve seen three different physicians, some specialists, to treat these areas.  It wasn’t until Dr. Foster took an aggressive approach by researching labs and by digging into my genetic makeup that we found additional ways to treat me.  Based on his research and review I changed several key areas of my health, some diet changes and some medicine additions.  Based on these changes my labs and industry health markers for cholesterol and heart disease are the lowest they have been in over 15 years.  My standard markers are less than half of what they were when we started and other key markers have become so low to the point we predict the heart risk has been almost eliminated.  I’m so thankful for Dr. Foster’s knowledge and his aggressive approach to reversing these genetics I was dealt.”


We understand you’re looking for more than just a procedure or service. At Revive Clinic, we take tremendous pride in being regarded as one of the best hormone therapy clinics in the state of Oklahoma, and our passion for cosmetic enhancements strives to make sure our patients are comfortable with trusting us for their beauty and health goals.

Our doctors and aestheticians are highly active academically and heavily involved in continuing education and the latest innovative technology and procedures. In high demand, Dr. Foster leads our team of experts. Learn more about each of our team members below or contact us today to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you know your ApoB level?

What can your DNA tell us about you?

Do you produce lpa?

Do you know your VO2 max?


When it comes to personal healthcare, I would say there are three different personas. Type one is generally unconcerned about their health- they smoke if they want to, they eat whatever they want, and they go to the doctor if they’re forced. Type two is what I would call reactive- they generally ‘follow the rules’ in terms of diet, exercise, and health maintenance, but nothing proactive and generally just seek treatment when they are having problems. Type three is the renegade. They attempt to be proactive in their healthcare, have a well-disciplined diet and exercise program, and stay up to date with their healthcare maintenance. This is the type of patient for which precision, or targeted medicine was meant.

Up until this point in time we have mostly been a victim to our genetics, meaning that we can treat our health conditions as they arise but do very little to do much more than ‘manage’ them as we encounter them.  Times have changed. Due to multiple advancements- the sequencing of the human genome, better understanding of our health, and recent advances in pharmacology- we are at a place in time where we are able to actually alter the course of our genetics.

This type of medicine goes by several different names – precision medicine, preventative medicine, targeted medicine, proactive medicine, personalized medicine, but they all have the same connotation.  We are now able to combine your own personal DNA analysis with a very complete laboratory analysis of your blood and generate a detailed ‘snapshot’ of your current state of health as well as your likelihood of developing several treatable chronic health conditions. These diseases constitute what have been coined the ‘Four horsemen of chronic disease’.

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). This is an all-encompassing term for the buildup of plaques in your blood vessels and is a significant risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. By analyzing some very specific blood markers and aggressively managing them we can essentially render you immune to the future development of ASCVD. We do this with a combination of diet, exercise, lifestyle modification, and in some cases, medications.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of conditions that have a very negative impact on your long-term health and longevity. It is the combination of hypertension, obesity, abnormal lipids, and either poor insulin sensitivity or outright diabetes. In the early stages these can be managed by better lifestyle choices, but in more advanced stages some medications have to be used until the lifestyle modifications take effect.

Neurocognitive disorders are a collection of conditions, with Alzheimer’s being the most prominent, that lead to severe mental decline in the later years. While it is true that there is a significant genetic component to this condition, there is mounting evidence that aggressive early prevention of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome may be able to prevent the occurrence even with increased genetic risk factors and/or family history.

Cancer. We continue to see advances in cancer therapies and there may be a ‘magic bullet’ at some point in time, but for the present our best defense continues to be adherence to recommended cancer screenings. These include routine scheduled colonoscopies, mammograms, prostate screening, skin exams, etc. The reason these are important is because they are able to prevent the initiation of cancers by intervening on ‘pre-cancerous’ lesions before they turn rogue. One recent advancement in this field is the Galleri test. This is a blood test that screens for fifty-two different cancers by looking for markers in the blood, allowing for detection well before any clinical signs of cancer are evident.

Byron Foster MD, PHD

Schedule your FREE consultation now & start the journey to a new life