Visia Skin Analysis
Redefining the Vision of Skin Care
VISIA’s multi-point positioning system and live image overlay make it easy to capture perfectly registered images to document progress over time. Rotating capture module easily captures left, right and frontal facial views.
Automatic skin type detection streamlines image processing and improves the accuracy of feature analysis.
VISIA’s patented Comparison To Norms analysis uses the world’s largest skin feature database to grade your skin relative to others of the same age and skin type.
TruSkin Age® uses VISIA’s analysis to assess your overall skin condition and age, providing a revolutionary new metric to guide the selection of skin care products and treatment options.
UV photography provides data for sun damage assessment and analysis, including UV fluorescence imaging to reveal porphyrins.
RBX® Technology separates the unique color signatures of Red and Brown skin components for visualization of conditions such as spider veins, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and acne.
Eyelash analysis evaluates and measures the results of lash improvement treatments.
Visualize the skin’s surface in three dimensions from any angle with 3D viewer.
The auto-animation continuously changes your client’s age, starting from their current age and simulating the appearance across multiple decades, up to 80 years old.